Scheduled tasks delay

Incident Report for Pix4D


2023-06-15 13:40 CEST - Investigating

We are experiencing significant delays with queued tasks. The following tasks are affected:
- Project processing
- Project tasks
- Invoice generation
- Mail delivery

2023-06-15 14:45 CEST - Monitoring

The queues are processing again as expected. The delays concern the tasks queued today between 8:15 and 14:40 CEST

2023-06-21 - 16:00 CEST - Resolved

All the delayed tasks from June 15th have been recovered and re-triggered.
No data was lost, but some emails will contain old or inconsistent dates because of the delay to reschedule them.

This incident is now resolved.
Posted Jun 15, 2023 - 11:40 UTC